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Annual Report 2010 - Muenchener Hypothekenbank eG

münchener hypothekenbank eg | annUaL report 2010 notes memBership Data Number of members Number of shares Members’ liability for additional contributions € Beginning of 2010 87,527 2,098,887 536,580,461.55 Additions in 2010 482 147,719 37,764,362.35 Reductions in 2010 4,227 81,791 20,909,869.15 End of 2010 83,782 2,164,815 553,434,954.75 € increase in members’ capital contributions in 2010 4,614,968.18 increase in members’ liability for additional contributions in 2010 16,854,493.20 Amount of each share 70.00 Members‘ liability for additional contributions per share 255.65 personnel statistics The average number of persons employed by the Bank in 2010 was as follows: Male female Total full-time employees 191 115 306 Part-time employees 7 53 60 Total employees 198 168 366 These figures do not include: Apprenticed trainees 5 12 17 Employees participating in parental leave, early retirement, partial retirement (non-working phase), or employees sus- pended with pay. 9 14 23 shareholDinGs Percentage of capital held Capital in € 000 Profit/Loss in € 000 M-Wert gmbh, Munich*) 100 1,797 238 immobilienservice gmbh der Münchener hypothekenbank eg (M-Service), Munich (profit transfer agreement)**) 100 509 61 Nussbaumstrasse gmbh & Co. Kg, Munich*) 100 11,307 411 Blitz 07-671 gmbh, Munich*) 100 24 0 *) annual financial statements 2009, **) annual financial statements 2010 other Disclosures