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Geschäftsbericht 2014, englisch

31management report 6) Number of employees pursuant to Art. 267 (5) HGB: Apprenticed trainees, employees participating in parental leave, early retirement, partial retirement (non-working phase), or employees suspended with pay. Report on events after the balance sheet date The primary focus in 2014 shifted to the human resources devel- opment. MünchenerHyp based this on a broad spectrum of in- ternal seminars through to external educational providers. The Bank’s reintroduced health management measures are closely linked to the further development of our employees’ professional and personal abilities. The average number of persons employed6 at the Bank during the year was 462, plus 18 apprenticed trainees. Despite the nu- merous new hires, the average number of years of employment per employee only fell slightly from 10.6 to 10.4 years. No events of material importance took place after the balance sheet date.
