Risk report


The professional concepts and models used to calculate the Bank’s ability to bear risks are continuously further developed in accordance with legal supervisory requirements. MünchenerHyp calculates its ability to bear risks based on the Going-Concern, as well as the so-called Insolvency Case scenario. However, the Going-Concern scenario is the relevant method used for control purposes, which determines if the bank would still have an adequate equity capital ratio exceeding legally required levels after the occurrence of risks contained in all of the risk categories.

The scenario deducts market risks, counterparty risks, operational risks, spread and migration risks, investment risks, property risks, as well as modelling risks containing other non-explicitly defined risks. Risks on cover potential for risks are accounted for on a conservative basis and without taking diversification effects between the risk categories into consideration.

The Bank’s risk bearing capacity was given at all times during the year under review.