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Geschäftsbericht 2013, englisch

78 notes – münchener Hypothekenbank eg l annual report 2013 Auditing Associtation DGRV – Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e. V., Berlin, Pariser Platz 3 Pursuant to Art. 53 of the Cooperatives Act, in association with Art. 340k of the German Commercial Code, total costs of € 700 (thousand), including valued added tax, (previous year € 770 (thousand)) were incurred for auditing the annual financial state- ments and the management report, the cooperatives organisa- tional structures, and to examine the Bank’s management during the year under review. Total costs of € 12 (thousand) (previous year € 70 (thousand)) were incurred for other confirmation ser- vices. No costs were incurred for other services during the year under review. Contingent Liability Our Bank is a member of the protection scheme of the National Association of German Cooperative Banks (Sicherungseinrich- tung des Bundesverbandes der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiff­- eisenbanken e. V.). Per the statutes of the protection scheme we have issued a guarantee to the National Association of German Cooperative Banks. As a result, we have a contingent liability of € 16,489 (thousand). Munich, 22 January 2014 MÜNCHENER HYPOTHEKENBANK eG The Board of Management Dr. Louis Hagen Bernhard Heinlein Michael Jung
